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Сообщение: 56
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.07.08 11:16. Заголовок: The Druidcraft Tarot

The Druidcraft Tarot.

Колода: http://tarot.my1.ru/index/0-146

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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 56
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.07.08 11:16. Заголовок: The Druidcraft Tarot - 2

The Druidcraft Tarot.

Колода: http://tarot.my1.ru/index/0-146

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dum spiro, spero! Спасибо: 6 
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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 57
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.07.08 11:27. Заголовок: Выдержки из книги и ..

Выдержки из книги и колоды
Старший Аркан и Поиск Грааля
Путь развития души - эвокация, изображенная в Старших Арканах, часто называется Поездкой Дурака авторами о Гадании. Психолог Джанг назвал этот процессом созревания индивидуальной души и индивидуализации развития, Джозеф Кампбелл назвал это Поездкой Героя, алхимики называют это поиском Философского Камня, а мистики Поиском Святой Чаши Грааля.

0. Дурак
Дурак входит в историю его или её жизни как невинный. Со всем, что она или он имеет в потенциале - отображаемой в символической форме сумкой, которая напоминает о сумке, в которой Гвион плавал в море. Он несет свою сумку на палке как бродяга, но эта палка - действительно его палочка, поскольку сумка - его чаша - чаша Грааля или священный сосуд...

Сообщение карты -
'Доверьтесь вашему внутреннему знанию. Жизнь - приключение - поездка открытия, поездка к воссоединению.'

VI. Любовники
Это - праздник костров, цветы находятся в расцвете. Бог и Богиня, или Первосвященник и Высокая Жрица, объединились как Божественные Любовники - передача идеи союза Великого Обряда между Богом и Богиней, и его отражения в каждодневном мире романтичной любви между двумя людьми. Кроме того, карта изображает союз двух аспектов Самости, сознательного и бессознательного, внутренней Женщины и внутреннего Мужчины, в то время как Божественное "Я", воплощающее этот союз, изображено как белый олень вдали...

Сообщение этой карты:
'В каждый момент Вы имеете выбор. Любовь - в основе жизни. Все сущее рождено из Любви .'

XIII. Смерть
Здесь мы видим Богиню в ее аспекте старухи. Это - прекрасное изображение Сиридвен, поскольку Старуха и 13 - число луны, и она - лунная богиня. Это - Самхейн - начало Зимы. На заднем плане мы видим пирамиду из камней и реку. Река всегда связывалась с жизнью и со смертью, Богиней. После смерти мы пересекаем реку к загробному миру, прежде чем быть рожденными вновь. Пирамида из камней - место похорон, но также и инициирования и возрождения, как это намекается подходом рассвета на горизонте. На переднем плане - котел возрождения, и мы можем видеть жар огня внизу, что указывает власть преобразования огня. Сиридвен как Старуха, 'Темная Женщина Знания' стоит около котла, неся череп. Серп, который также отображает в символической форме луну урожая, висит у ее пояса. Хотя сейчас ночь, наступает рассвет и орел летит высоко в небе, обеспечивая ассоциации к нумерологической копией карты 4, Бога. Змея показывает внутреннее значение этой карты как 'смерть есмь преобразование', не - 'смерть есмь конец'. Хотя это - сильная карта, показывающая удивительную власть смерти, она не передает ощущения безнадежности - вместо этого намекает на потенциал, который она предлагает для преобразования и возрождения.

Сообщение этой карты:
'Старое и ненужное хочет умереть. Какая страсть! Новое готовится открыться как бутон розы в рассвете дня .'

X. Колесо
Выдержки из книги и колоды
И Друидизм и Викка - Школы Тайны: традиции, которые вовлекают в инициирования растущей глубины, как шаги от Внешних до Внутренних Тайн, и по этой причине имеет много смысла в том, чтобы приблизиться к Тайнам Гадания. Развивая своё знание о значениях карт с последовательностью, представленной здесь, Вы можете получить очень чёткий смысл медленного проникновения к сердцу Тайн. Таким образом поездка к знаниям о картах становится частью поездки вашего собственного духовного развития.

Карты Суда
Вообразите, что четыре племени, четыре семьи, сходящиеся от четырех различных сторон достигают зала "Меда Тары", или большого круга Стонхенджа, или для празднования в лесной роще или около очага шабаша ведьм. Каждая семья матери и отца, сына и дочери приезжает с Севера, Юга, Востока и Запада. Когда они собраны, они - шестнадцать человек, которые в символических сроках представляют шестнадцать типов индивидуальности, или шестнадцать аспектов того единственного таинственного существа - человека. С Севера: царство Земли и следовательно Магические фигуры, прибывают практические, земляные, чувственные люди...
Возьмите 16 карт суда и положите их перед Вами: вообразите их как эти четыре племени, четыре семьи, которые собираются...


Принцесс иногда называют странницами в других колодах. Она отображает в символической форме юный потенциал, пока еще невыраженный, или идею в её зарождении. Иногда она может указать фактических детей или младенцев, или показать молодого человека, или кого - то молодого в духе, студента или кого - то отправляющегося на новое дело. Ключевые слова: Потенциал, Начало, Исследование, Исследование.

Принцесса Мечей - человек, представленный этой картой будет иметь тенденцию брать независимый взгляд в жизни. Иногда это может быть полезно, так как это означает объективность, которая учитывает и ясность и дискриминацию. В другие времена, тем не менее, этот подход может означать человека, полностью испытывающего мир во всей его глубине и страсти. Принцесса мечей может отделиться от ее чувств, и другие могут испытать ее как изолированную или отдаленную. Если она обращена к Вам, то это - возможно время, чтобы развить понимание того, что ваше отчуждение выгодно...


Короли отображают в символической форме мудрость, зрелость, выполнение, успех, власть и социальную ответственность.

Король Жезлов - является идеальным человеком, чтобы отвечать за организацию. Он может держать дело с динамизмом, энтузиазмом и оптимизмом, которые прибывают так естественно к нему, что он может вдохновить других сотрудничать с ним. Решающий и решительный, он может иногда быть не в состоянии оценить точки зрения других, и может даже казаться неприятным или нетерпимым, когда касается отрицательных сторон других, их слабости или отчаяния, так как он испытывает эти чувства очень редко. Со зрелостью, однако, прибывает мудрость и сострадание, и поскольку Король Жезлов приобретает опыт, он может вполне учиться умерять свою преднамеренность, и стремлением быть 'знающим все это'. Его естественная способность быть лидером, объединенная с его близостью к элементу Огня, и следовательно драконам, напоминает нам о Пендрагоне и легенде Артериан, ритуалам Друидов...
Инфо: (с)http://www.raaf.celtica.ru/articles/art_16.htm

dum spiro, spero! Спасибо: 3 
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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 58
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 02.07.08 11:45. Заголовок: Обзор Марии "Dre..

Обзор Марии "Dreamsilver"

На рынке Таро выпущено немало колод с ориентацией на дохристианскую Англию, Артурианскую эпоху и друидов. Одной из таких колод является Друидкрафт Таро. Колода разработана в 2005 году Филипом и Стефани Карр-Гомм, авторами друидического оракула животных. Художник, воплотивший их идеи Вилл Уортингтон. Колода сильно пропитана языческими традициями дохристианской Англии.

Я с ней начала работать совсем недавно, но тем не менее в работе есть много положительных моментов. Во первых колода очень легкая для понимания. ЕЕ можно отнести ее к уейтовской группе, как по значениям, так и по структуре ( Сила и Правосудие расставлены по уейтовской теории), чем она может подойти начинающему освоение Таро( ведь не секрет, что большинство книг и учебников написаны именно по Уейтовской школе. Что касается работы с ней, то она превосходно берет повседневные вопросы, указывает путь развития ситуации. На мой взгляд лучше работает на диалоге, вопрос\ответ, нежели на больших раскладах.

Колода безумно красивая, каждая карта просто завораживает своим сюжетом и окунает нас в волшебный мир. При трактовке, помимо рейдеровских значений сразу всплывают очень яркие ассоциации и образы. Через всю колоду проходит почитание Богини и Бога, одного из важнейших аспектов магии Друидов и викки. Но Викканской колоду я бы не назвала. Для меня это именно колода Мастерства Друидов.

Старшие арканы пропитаны энергиями Бога и Богини, они пересекаются на протяжении всех 22 арканов, сменяя друг друга или же проявляясь оба , например в 6 аркане, где Бог и Богиня слились воедино в божественном экстазе или 15 аркане – Дьявол или Cernnunos, в оригинальном названии карты в этой колоде. Надо отметить, что некоторые карты старших арканов носят свои названия. Так Умеренность тут- Feeryllit , Колесо фортуны- wheel, император и императрица- Лорд и Леди, Суд –Rebirth(Карма). Путь героя, от Шута до Мира представляет собой путь к Друидическому посвящению и познанию мудрости природы.

Более чем плодовитый "автор трудов по Таро" Виталий Зайченко объявил себя создателем колоды "Круг Человеческих судеб" и буклета к ней.
Однако это именно та самая колода, известная как DruidCraft, которая была нарисована совсем другими авторами: Stephanie Carr-Gomm & Philip Carr-Gomm & Will Worthington
Нигде в буклете к колоде Виталий Зайченко не упоминает ни оригинального названия, ни реальных авторов колоды.
Вот ссылка на "колоду Зайченко" "Круг Человеческих судеб" (http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/2683549/) Это ссылки на оригинал - http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/druidcraft/
Официальный сайт колоды - http://druidcraft-tarot.druidry.org/

dum spiro, spero! Спасибо: 3 
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Сообщение: 270
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 03.07.08 19:47. Заголовок: Прекрасная колода ,..

Прекрасная колода , я ее недавно приобрела , сейчас наслаждаюсь

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Сообщение: 816
Настроение: сижу.... починяю примус...
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.07.08 00:55. Заголовок: Ижица = колода очень..

Ижица = колода очень хорошая.. давно уже работаем с ней только у меня нет совершенно никаких описаний по ней, даже книжечки Зайченко (он влупил большую цену за неё и реализаторы её не берут поэтому у нас) а вот оригинальное описание... очень было бы интересно почитать

Приятно познакомиться! ЦАРЬ! Спасибо: 1 
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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 72
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.07.08 09:37. Заголовок: Angel, REM - просто ..

Angel, REM - просто здорово, что вы откликнулись!!)))
У меня есть оригинальная книга - буду выкладывать как оригинальные тексты, так и перевод (правда проблема в том, что английского я впринципе не знаю... но зато есть огромный запал и желание рыть!))))

dum spiro, spero! Спасибо: 3 
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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 1608
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.07.08 10:15. Заголовок: Ижица глядя на дура..

Ижица глядя на дурака я точно вспомнила кадр из фильма Индиана джонс в поисках гроаля, и в момент я представила что дурак ступает мост видимый только дураку.

[url=http://www.myjane.ru/lines/][img]http://lines.myjane.ru/rules/109511.png[/img][/url] Спасибо: 0 
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Сообщение: 275
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 04.07.08 21:41. Заголовок: Ижица , будем сообща..

Ижица , будем сообща [взломанный сайт]

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Сообщение: 144
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 05.07.08 17:48. Заголовок: Давно видел ее в ине..

Давно видел ее в инете, но вот в магазинах не встречал, увы. А хотел купить.

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Сообщение: 862
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.07.08 10:59. Заголовок: Ижица пишет: Angel,..

Ижица пишет:

Angel, REM - просто здорово, что вы откликнулись!!)))

я тоже присоединюсь! у меня также нет книжечки и хотелось бы почитать значения и там....Надо отметить, что в колоде очень много символизма и было бы интересно его рассмотреть

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Сообщение: 278
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.07.08 16:07. Заголовок: РЕБЯТА!!!!!!!!!!!!!..

РЕБЯТА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Я се6годня купила книгу Зайченко , интересно сравнить с книжкой Ижицы, в чем разница.

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Сообщение: 5914
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.07.08 18:35. Заголовок: Уважаемый Гость, пре..

Уважаемый Гость, прежде чем давать рекламу чего-либо на форуме, не мешало бы изучить правила форума--а реклама у нас запрещена. Исключения возможны, но только после согласования с администрацией.Вы этого не сделали, пост удален.

И еще раз уж на то пошло. Я не знаю вас, вы не знаете меня. Поэтому судить о вас объективно я не могу и никоим образом не собираюсь это делать. А взять и просто так решить хороши вы или нет--на мой взгляд нелогично. Так и вы не можете объективно судить обо мне. Видя чужими глазами и по чужому мнению.А также судить о моем форуме и о его участниках.Поскольку вы не знаете ничего и о них. Кроме того здесь не учат, здесь общаются люди увлеченные одним делом, которым оно интересно и которые хотят иметь свой опыт.А в приобретении свое опыта нет ничего зазорного.

Поэтому у меня к вам предложение--давайте существовать "параллельно" и мирно.
В любом случае, спасибо за столь пристальное внимание ко мне и моему форуму.
Видимо на самом деле он как раз таки хорош, иначе бы не так волновал до сих пор некоторых персон.)


Пост позднее будет удален, чтобы не мешать теме

Незнание--сплошь обещание... Спасибо: 3 
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Сообщение: 31
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.07.08 19:01. Заголовок: Насколько я знаю, кн..

Насколько я знаю, книжица Зайченко - полный перевод оригинальной.
У меня есть оригинальная колода с книгой. Давно лежит. Надо бы уже до неё добраться.

Вот здесь она вроде есть. http://community.livejournal.com/tarot_shop/3135.html

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Сообщение: 279
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 06.07.08 22:45. Заголовок: Winter, тогда вообще..

Winter, тогда вообще отлично!!!А добраться до колоды нужно

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постоянный участник

Сообщение: 82
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.07.08 11:41. Заголовок: Angel пишет: РЕБЯТА..

Angel пишет:

РЕБЯТА!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Я се6годня купила книгу Зайченко , интересно сравнить с книжкой Ижицы, в чем разница.

) Как уже было сказано в начале темы - Зайченко практически скопировал оригинальную книгу. Практически, но не поностью! "Более чем плодовитый "автор трудов по Таро" Виталий Зайченко объявил себя создателем колоды "Круг Человеческих судеб" и буклета к ней.
Однако это именно та самая колода, известная как DruidCraft, которая была нарисована совсем другими авторами: Stephanie Carr-Gomm & Philip Carr-Gomm & Will Worthington
Нигде в буклете к колоде Виталий Зайченко не упоминает ни оригинального названия, ни реальных авторов колоды." (с)обзор Марии "Dreamsilver"
По мере сил и возможностей буду выкладывать сюда тексты оригинальной книги! на родной англиццком!)

Winter пишет:

Вот здесь она вроде есть. http://community.livejournal.com/tarot_shop/3135.html

Вот именно в tarot_shop я её и приобретала. Мне понравилось работать с хозяйкой магазина) Думаю, буду постоянным клиентом) ЫЫ)) (Кому интересно - стоимость 1200 с книгой в оригинальной коробке и т.п.)

dum spiro, spero! Спасибо: 1 
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Сообщение: 874
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 07.07.08 20:34. Заголовок: Ижица пишет: По мер..

Ижица пишет:

По мере сил и возможностей буду выкладывать сюда тексты оригинальной книги! на родной англиццком!)

супер!!!! тока можно выкладывать их не на родном англицком, а на нашем родном русском?
будем оччень ждать

И вообще, ребята, а че это мы все болтаем да болтаем?
Ижица, тебе бразды правления Выставляй аркан на описание

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Сообщение: 98
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 10.07.08 16:35. Заголовок: http://tarot.my1.ru/..

* Innocence * Freedom * Potential * Trust * Play * Openness * Courage * Optimism

The Fool enters the great story of his (or her) life as innocent, yet with everything that he will become in potential symbolized by the bag he carries on his staff, reminiscent of the bag in which Gwion floated on the sea. Like a tramp, he carries his bag on a stick, bat this stick is really his wand, as the bag is his chalice – his Grail, or sacred container. This stick, or wand, reappears throughout the Major Arcana in varying forms – in The Magician, The Lord, The Chariot, The Hermit, The Wheel and The World.
From this wand comes the Divine Spark, the seed at the moment of incarnation, symbolized be the mistletoe berries he holds in his right hand. The Fool steps joyously off the cliff, the nakedness of his legs and feet symbolizing innocence. Beside him is a black greyhound bitch, indicating that the God is accompanied by the Goddess, portrayed as a greyhound in the story of Ceridwen and Taliesin. The traditional seven cock’s feathers tucked into his cap reinforce the association since, at the moment of their union in the story, the Goddess is portrayed as a hen. It is dawn in the springtime – a time of new beginning, the start of a new cycle.

The Significance of The Fool
When you entered this lifetime you brought all your potential with you. Just as all the potential of an oak to become a mighty tree is contained within a tiny acorn, so you were born the stored-up treasure of the wisdom gained in your former lives and the gifts of your ancestors, available for you to draw on when needed. All of this is symbolized by the bag The Fool carries over his shoulder.
Although it may feel like you don’t know where you are going, you are guided by soul and by your inner purpose. The sun is rising, and the rod of direction and determination is firmly in you hand. You are accompanied by your consort, symbolized here by the greyhound, who helps to guide and protect you – but at another level the consort is your animus or anima: the Other that exists within you, who can make you whole. She is the Goddess to your God, the God to your Goddess. And there, as you plunge off the cliff from the Divine World into the world of incarnation and experience, you have in your right hand the magical seed of mistletoe, each one of which will bring joy and give birth to new experiences, new ideas, new adventures in the world of time and space.

Meaning. A Journey of Discovery if you receive this card in a reading it signifies a sense of youthful optimism, and perhaps a new beginning. It encourages confidence, faith and courage as you face a new project or new phase in your life. It may even suggest that you should take a risk and try something new or unconventional.
The figure of The Fool is related to that of the troubadour and court jester, and the ancestor of both these figures was the bard, who could both praise and mock with witty satire. This combination of apparently innocent fun with serious intent, and the ability to charm with song and story, characterizes the qualities of The Fool. The card is telling you that you can be serious about life, and even critical when necessary, but that you can enjoy it too. The best way to gain wisdom is to combine an attitude of openness and optimism with an awareness of your innate divinity – trusting in the ultimate goodness of life.

The message of The Fool is
Trust in your inner knowing. Life is an adventure – a journey of discovery to be enjoyed.

Reverse meaning. Hold The Fool upside down and you see The Hanged Man. In the card of The Hanged Man, the mistletoe that The Fool has in his hand is now out of reach, and grows on the tree that holds him. Even freedom can become a limitation if not used wisely. It is possible that you feel trapped by a lack of sense of direction, wandering through life without knowing which way to tern, or that you feel afraid of freedom, and trapped by routine. Beware of being naïve or gullible and getting out of your depth. It may be time to take on adult responsibilities and to start to trust in life again. Just as difficulties can be presenting itself here for you to take responsibility and start exploring your potential, contained within the bag you have been carrying since you were born.

* Foolishness * Naivety * Irrationality * Gullibility

К сожалению, английский мне не близок и навыков перевода не имею - очень буду благодарна толковому переводчику . Есть помощник - http://www.translate.ru/text.asp#tr_form ))

dum spiro, spero! Спасибо: 3 
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Сообщение: 887
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 12.07.08 10:04. Заголовок: Вольный перевод :sm5..

Вольный перевод с добавление своих художетсвенных красок)))))

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА * Невиновность * Свобода * Потенциал * Доверие * Игра * Открытость * Храбрость * Оптимизм

Шут еще только начинает большую историю своей жизни невинным существом, но опыт, который он наберет в потенциале символизирует сума, которая подвешена у него на палке. Сума в данном случае - это чаша Грааля, священный "контейнер" для него (оччень интересное наблюдение!!!!!!!). Именно эту самую палочку, на которой висит сума, мы будем встречать в разных вариация в последующих Старших арканах - Маг, Бог (это какой аркан то ), Колесница, Отшельник, Мир.
От этой палочки исходит Божественная Искра, семя в момент воплощения, символизируемое ягодами омелы, которые он держит в его правой руке.
Дурак ступает радостно и легко, нагота ног его символизирует невинность и чистоту помыслов. Рядом с ним бежит борзая, это говорит о том, что он охраняем Богом. Перья на его шапочке, перьях семи петухов, это нам напомниает тот момент, когда Богиня изображалась как курица (с ума сойти....ребята...кто нидь слышал о таком??? или я че тут с переводом напутала???? Хеееееееееееелп) Это - рассвет в весенней поре - время нового начала, начало нового цикла.

Когда вы пришли в эту жизнь, вы привнесли в нее весь свой потенциал, также как весь потенциал дуба содержится в его желуде. Таким образом вы родились, сохраняя при рождении все сокровище мудрости, полученной вами в прошлых жизнях. Это подарок предков, который будет вас оберегать всю жизнь и помогать в случае необходимости. Вот именно все это и символизируется сумкой, которую Дурка повесил через плечо.
В какой то момент вам может показаться, что вы сбились с пути и не знаете куда двигаться дальше, тогда вам нужно прислушаться к своему внутреннему голосу, интуиции. Внутренний голос подскажет вам вашу цель и тогда, на восходе солнца, прут укажет вам дорогу. Вас будет сопровождать супруг ( ), ваша "вторая половинка, которая будет защищать вас и оберегать, это символ борзой. Но также это может и означать вашу целостность души, которая сделает вас гармоничным. Это сам Бог внутри вас (дословно Она - Богиня вашему Богу, Бог вашей Богине). Вы идете от утеса и погружаетесь в мир воплощения и опыта. Веточка омелы, которую вы держите в руке принесет радость и родит новые события, новые идеи, новые приключения в мире времени и места.

поездка, открытие, ощущение юного оптимизма и новое начало. То, что поощряется "наверху", дает веру и храбрость. Это новая фаза в вашей жизни, которая предлагает вам пойти на риск и и пробовать кое-что новое или нетрадиционное.
Фигура Дурака связана с темой из трубадура и шута, и предок обеих этих фигур был бардом, который мог и похвалить и подразнить с остроумной сатирой. Эта комбинация невинной забавы с серьезным намерением, и способностью к очарованию с песней и историей, характеризует качества Дурака.
Карта говорит Вам, что Вы можете серьезно относиться к жизни, и даже критически, когда это необходимо, но Вы должны радоваться и наслаждаться каждой минутой. Лучший способ получать мудрость состоит в том, чтобы объединить отношение открытости и оптимизма с пониманием вашего врожденного знания и мудрости и доверия совершенству жизни.
Сообщение Дурака является Трастовым (это как???? ) в вашем внутреннем знании. Жизнь - приключение - поездка открытия.

ЗНАЧЕНИЕ ПЕРЕВЕРНУТОЙ КАРТЫ.Переверните дурака вверх тормашками и вы увидите Повешеного. Омела в руках теперь вне досягаемости и растет на дереве, а не в ваших руках. (то бишь радость жизни от нас уходит, на дерево еще надо залезть, чтобы добраться до ягод омелы - это от меня добавка). Даже свобода может стать ограничением, если не используется мудро.
Возможно вы себя ощущаете пойманным в ловушку из за нехватки умного руководства. Вы блуждаете по жизни, не зная какой выбрать путь, не можете принять решение, вы боитесь этой свободы. Остерегайтесь того, что может быть наивным и легковерным, возможно вы недооцениваете события.
Это может быть время, когда уже пора отнестись серьезно и ответственно к своим обязанностям, к своей жизни и, возможно, начать снова доверять окружающим.
Возможно вам следует вернуться к изначальному, тому, что было дано вам от рождения, что находится в суме, изучить это и претворять в жизнь (вообщем вернутся к истокам).

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА * Глупость * Наивность * Нелогичность * Легковерие

Ну вот примерно так....может теперь кто поможет разобраться в неясных моментах? я там коментила параллельно...или кто то просто с английским "на ты" и сможет подкорректировать перевод
Ижица, какая ты умничка, что выставила значение из книжки! Очччень интересно!!!!

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Сообщение: 104
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.07.08 09:14. Заголовок: Luka, это не я умнич..

Luka, это не я умничка, это ТЫ умничка!!! Огромная!!! У тебя просто удивительный перевод получился)
Значит будем переводить.

Luka пишет:

Именно эту самую палочку, на которой висит сума, мы будем встречать в разных вариация в последующих Старших арканах - Маг, Бог (это какой аркан то ), Колесница, Отшельник, Мир.

Luka, этот Аркан в колоде имеет оригинальное название - The Lord (император) и The Lady (соответственно императрица). В первом посте есть ссылка на всю колоду (изображение карт) там можно всё это глянуть

У меня вот какой вопрос созрел:
Beside him is a black greyhound bitch, indicating that the God is accompanied by the Goddess, portrayed as a greyhound in the story of Ceridwen and Taliesin.

Около него(имеется ввиду Аркан Дурак) - черная быстроходная сука, указывающая на то, что Бог сопровождается Богиней, изображаемой как борзая в истории Ceridwen и Taliesin. (перевод Промта). Кто эти люди - Ceridwen и Taliesin?)

Согласно «Истории Талиесина», вначале он был мальчиком по имени Гвион (Gwion), слугой старой ведьмы Керидвен (Кирридвен, Cyrridwen). У Керидвен была прекрасная дочь и уродливый сын по имени Морвран (Morfran), или Авагди (Afagddu). Излечить Авагди от уродства не могла никакая магия, и тогда Керидвен решила сделать его мудрым. Воспользовавшись наставлениями, найденными в книгах Вергилия (в Средние века он воспринимался как хранителем древней мудрости), она стала варить зелье в огромном котле, заставив Гвиона помешивать варево. Три капли попали ему на палец, и мальчик, положив палец в рот, проглотил капли. Так случилось, что вся сила зелья была заключена как раз в них, и Гвион обрёл дар великих знаний и мудрости. Поняв, что Керидвен будет очень зла на него, он бросился прочь, а ведьма побежала в погоню за ним.

Убегая от Керидвен, Гвион превратился в кролика, тогда Керидвен обернулась собакой. Гвион превратился в рыбу и прыгнул в реку, но ведьма стала выдрой. Когда мальчик обернулся птицей, Керидвен стала ястребом. Наконец Гвион стал пшеничным зерном, а Керидвен обернулся курицей и склевала его. Тогда она забеременела, но, зная, что ребёнок — это Гвион, она решила его убить. Тем не менее младенец оказался столь прекрасен, что она не смогла этого сделать и пустила его в море в кожаном мешке. (The Fool enters the great story of his (or her) life as innocent, yet with everything that he will become in potential symbolized by the bag he carries on his staff, reminiscent of the bag in which Gwion floated on the sea.!!!!!!!!)

История превращений Гвиона напоминает историю ирландского героя Финна мак Кумала, что, возможно, указывает на их общее происхождение.

Ребёнка позже обнаружил Элфин, сын Гвидно Гаранхира, «властителя Кередигиона». Элфин рыбачил на плотине, но поймал только младенца. Будучи поражён его красотой, Элфина воскликнул: «Tal iesin!» 'Прекрасное чело!'. Талиесин же ответил ему пространными стихами. Когда Элфин пришёл домой, его отец спросил, что он поймал, и Элфин ответил, что поймал поэта. Гвидно очень удивился и спросил: «Но какую ценность (tal) имеет поэт?» — на что Талиесин мгновенно ответил: «Бо́льшую ценность (tal iesin), чем всё, что можно вытащить с плотины» (это был каламбур, основанный на двойном значении слова tal — «лоб, чело» и «ценность»).

Позже, согласно «Истории Грифида», Талиесин стал мудрым бардом и пророком при дворе своего «отчима» Элфина.

Английский перевод Hanes Taliesin был включён леди Шарлоттой Гест в её издание «Мабиноги», хотя этот текст не имел к собственно «Мабиногиону» никакого отношения; тем не менее они до сих пор часто издаются вместе, особенно в научно-популярных изданиях.

З.Ы. Получается, что это история имеет большую важность для Аркана Дурак-Гвион)

dum spiro, spero! Спасибо: 3 
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Сообщение: 893
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 14.07.08 14:28. Заголовок: Ижица пишет: З.Ы. П..

Ижица пишет:

З.Ы. Получается, что это история имеет большую важность для Аркана Дурак-Гвион)

Ижица пишет:

Luka, этот Аркан в колоде имеет оригинальное название - The Lord (император) и The Lady (соответственно императрица). В первом посте есть ссылка на всю колоду (изображение карт) там можно всё это глянуть

да у меня и колода эта есть..нарабатываю ее потихоьнку..лениво просто было просматривать
да..получается, что это лишний раз напоминание о том, что не стоит недооценивать дурака....

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Сообщение: 114
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.07.08 11:09. Заголовок: В продолжениии темы ..

В продолжениии темы символизма сумы\мешка. ("Сума в данном случае - это чаша Грааля, священный "контейнер" для него". ) Во многих сказаниях и легендах герой "вызревает" в неком коконе. Может ли это означать, что для становления личности необходимо на начальных этапах развития ограждение от социальных стереотипов (не секрет, что большинство пазлов картины мира маленький человечек перенимает от своего воспитателя - который вольно или невольно навязывает ему свои установки, ценности и т.п., глуша тем самым потенциал и возможности ребёнка)? Легенда о Гвионе: "..Тогда она забеременела, но, зная, что ребёнок — это Гвион, она решила его убить. Тем не менее младенец оказался столь прекрасен, что она не смогла этого сделать и пустила его в море в кожаном мешке.." А вот что пишет наш Пушкин про Гвидона -
"И царицу в тот же час
В бочку с сыном посадили,
Засмолили, покатили
И пустили в Окиян -
Так велел-де царь Салтан.
В синем небе звезды блещут,
В синем море волны хлещут;
Туча по небу идет,
Бочка по морю плывет.
Словно горькая вдовица,
Плачет, бьется в ней царица;
И растет ребенок там
Не по дням, а по часам."

http://lib.ru/LITRA/PUSHKIN/saltan/saltan03.jpg (картинго)

dum spiro, spero! Спасибо: 2 
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Сообщение: 898
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 15.07.08 21:06. Заголовок: Ижица пишет: Легенд..

Ижица пишет:

Легенда о Гвионе: "..Тогда она забеременела, но, зная, что ребёнок — это Гвион, она решила его убить. Тем не менее младенец оказался столь прекрасен, что она не смогла этого сделать и пустила его в море в кожаном мешке.." А вот что пишет наш Пушкин про Гвидона -

вообще, кстати, эта легенда мне подозрительно напоминает легенду о маге Мерелине ...я писала об этой легенде в Таро драконов....

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Сообщение: 148
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.08.08 09:25. Заголовок: Ижица вышелъ из отпу..

Ижица вышелъ из отпуска и перепечатал таки старшие Арканы)
Luka, а так же все желающие, очень ждём ВАС для помощи в переводе, ибо в англицком я не сильна


dum spiro, spero! Спасибо: 1 
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Сообщение: 149
ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 11.08.08 09:26. Заголовок: http://tarot.my1.ru/..

The Magician

It is high summer — the time for action, for decision-making, for working in the world. The Magician knows the secrets of creation- he knows how tо open himself to the two aspects of Divine creative energy known tо Druids as Awen and Nwyfre; inspiration and life-force. And he knows how to let these forces flow through him into the world, directed by his consciousness and his will.
Неге we see him in his cloak of feathers, reminding us that Druid sages were once known as those with 'raven-knowledge', and may well have worn — as did their colleagues the Bards — cloaks of feathers referred to by the Irish as Tugens. The Magician stands before one of the great portals at Stonehenge, revealing to us that he is а shaman who is able со travel through gateways tо other worlds, tо bring back knowledge and healing.
The staff of The Fool has now become The Magician's wand, and the contents of his bag are now revealed as the four magical tools that lie upon the altar, which symbolize the four elements and the four suits of the Minor Arcana. By representing the four suits, the magical tools also stand for the whole range of experiences that come from being in the world, as symbolized by all of the fifty-six cards of the Minor Arcana. The Magician is aware of the potentials he possesses: his working tools lie upon the altar, and he has taken а conscious decision ео work with them in the world.
Hanging from The Magician's waist we see the Pythagorean symbol of а triangle contained within а square within а circle. The circle represents the totality of life — the All. Each side of the square signifies one suit of
the Minor Arcana, while each side of the triangle represents one of the three stages of Druid and Wiccan training, symbolized by three groups of seven of the Major Arcana cards, with the remaining card — The Fool as the soul — at the centre.

The Significance of Тhе Magician
In his gesture, and in the lemniscate (infinity symbol) he wears on his robe, The Magician unites Heaven and Earth. This union relates tо cosmic forces which can be seen as the Divine Feminine and the Divine
Masculine, or the Goddess and God. Stonehenge was constructed tо celebrate this union at the Midsummer Solstice, as the dawn sun united with the earth in the inner sanctuary of the circle. This process, which lies at the heart of creation and of life, is celebrated in Wicca by the Great Rite, and in alchemy is symbolized by the union of cock and hen as representations of God and Goddess, or King and Queen in the Sacred Marriage reminding us again of the alchemical nature of the story of Ceridwen and Taliesin, in which the Goddess is represented by а hen.
One of the card’s numerological counterparts — х The Wheel — sees the Goddess or Priestess using the wand that has been raised in the card оf The Magician tо connect with spirit, being used in the earth to cast the magic circle, and make manifest the world of material experience.

Meaning Realizing Your Dreams Now may well be the time for action. You know you have the potential tо realize your dreams, and it is just а question of using your will-power and your focus tо take the first steps towards achieving your purpose. Don't forget that tо make your life magical, and to work effective magic in the world, you need tо combine the abilities of being both focused and open. The Magician is powerful because he knows how tо bе open tо inspiration, tо spirit, and how to let this inspiration flow through him into the world through his decisions and actions. Doubt and preoccupation with self (often referred tо as ego) inhibit this flow of energy. If you can trust and let go of worries about your life, creative energy can start tо flow through you and you can get tо work on important and meaningful projects.
At the same time, the Great Work — the goal of uniting God and Goddess within you — can begin, as you feel empowered tо act in the world rather than being reactive. А powerful way tо do this is tо communicate— with different parts of your own being, with your partner, friends and work colleagues, and with the world of Nature and of the spirit. The Magician is master or mistress of the word — а bard in the deepest sense of the term, who knows the sacredness and creative power of the word and the voice.
The Magician sings their world into being.

+ The Message of The Magician is +
Open yourself to the power of Awen and Nwyrle, of inspiration and life-force, and let it flow through you and into the world.

Keywords + Blocked flow + Lack of will + Confusion of purpose + Abuse of power +

Reverse meaning You may find that you feel blocked, or that projects just are not taking off, or your life just is not flowing the way you want it to. This could be for а purpose, and you need tо look at the surrounding cards in а spread to see this in context. It is possible, though, that the ability of The Magician tо use communication tо solve problems and be creative is being denied in your life. Ask yourself whether you need tо focus for а while on clear communication, tо release any blockages and open you to а new phase.

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The High Priestess
The High Priestess stands at the entrance tо the realm inner wisdom, the Otherworld and the unconscious. When the occultist P. D. Ouspensky tuned into this card, The High Priestess spoke tо him of this realm: 'This is the Hall of Wisdom. No one can reveal it, nо one can hide it. Like а flower it must grow and bloom in your soul. If you would plant the seed of this flower in your soul, learn tо discern the real from the false.
Listen only tо the Voice that is soundless. Look only on that which is invisible, and remember that in you yourself is the Temple and the gate tо it, and the mystery, and the initiation.'
As The Magician represents direction and flow, or movement, so The High Priestess represents the magical power of stillness and depth. The Magician's power is externalized into the physical world, whereas The High Priestess’s power is internal, and mediates the forces of the Otherworld. Her eyes are closed in trance and ecstasy, symbolizing her connection with the inner worlds and her union with the Goddess, and she stands in the pose of the Wiccan High Priestess drawing down the moon.
On her altar we see the strips оf the ritual flail and the 'Book оf Shadows', which contains the rites and lore of her Craft, and which symbolizes the secret knowledge and inner wisdom, over which she is guardian.
In some Tarot decks, The High Priestess sits between the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz, representing the two forces that maintain life (known as Severity and Mercy in the Kabbalistic tradition). These represent the catabolic and anabolic forces of Life — the Goddess in her destructive and creative aspects. In Egypt these two forces were symbolized by the Pharaoh holding both crook and flail. Неге, the book represents the guidance of the crook, with the flail representing the catabolic force. Her robes echo
the sea, stars and night sky with their rich deep blues catching the light from the moon and stars. She exudes а sense of mystery and sexuality that is profound and sacred. She wears а necklace of acorns, following the tradition set out in Gerald Gardner's seminal work, Witchcraft Today, in which he says: 'Diana of Ephesus wore а necklace of acorns; many Celtic goddesses are mentioned as wearing them. At witch meetings every woman must wear one.

Keywords + Depth + Intuition + Dreams + Inner wisdom + Gateway to initiation + The unconscious + The Divine Feminine

The Significance оf Тhe High Priestess
Behind the twin guardian stones lies the realm of the Otherworld and the unconscious. We glimpse her cat, her familiar, who like The High
Priestess represents the feminine, the realm of intuition, feeling and sensuality, and guardianship of the Mysteries. The sea represents the depths of the unconscious, and in card XVIII The Moon we see behind the standing stones and are ourselves in the sea, looking towards this gateway from the other side. One of the numerological counterparts of The High Priestess is XI Justice. Неге, the balance and twin poles of Mercy and Severity, represented by the stones of the gateway, and echoed in book and flail, are shown Justiсе's scales. The High Priestess represents the inner discrimination of deep instinct and inner wisdom. Justice represents this discrimination in its more rational, outer form о1 judgement.

Meaning Entering the Stillness The High Priestess seems to bar our way forward. Her body, channelling the power of the Goddess and the moon, and her altar, with its symbols of severity and secret knowledge, make us pause in our journey. Now is а time for entering the stillness. Don’t be in а rush tо move forward in your journey. The power of decision-making and action, as epitomized by The Magician card, needs balancing with the power of reflection and depth. True passivity as demonstrated by The High Priestess is strong and fertile, and should not be mistaken for weakness or inertia. It is through this spiritual way of ceasing the drivenness of the everyday self, and of opening tо the inner promptings of our dreams and intuition, that we find the 'Royal Road of the Unconscious' — а term used by Sigmund Freud, who went on to suggest that dream analysis could take us on this road towards а more complete sense of self. Be open tо your dreams and your intuitions, and allow the Mysteries tо unfold within your being.

+ The Message of The High Priestess is +
Present yourself before my Mysteries of Life and before the Goddess or Her Priestess in humility and with reverence.Open to the stillness and the depth within you to gain strength and wisdom.

Reverse meaning The High Priestess signifies the need for withdrawal and for silencefor allowing а deepening of the soul that goes
beyond words, and yet, like every need of the inner promptings soul, this can be pursued inappropriately, for too long or too intensely. It is possible that you are feeling too withdrawn from the world and need to make an effort tо re-establish your connection with those around you and with everyday life. You may be paying too much attention tо subtle impressions, and have fallen prey to illusion or delusions. Alternatively, you may be ignoring the promptings of your intuition and your unconscious. You may be enmeshed in false relationships or false hopes as а result of not taking the time tо be still — tо ореn уоurself tо the guidance of your dreams and intuitions.
It takes time and experience tо navigate between the worlds. If youhave moved from а state of inwardness tо а state of extreme activity, youmay find уоurself feeling emotional or irrational. Remember the quietcalm of The High Priestess, and the ability of The Magician to act in the world, and see if you can access both functions within you.

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The Lady
Seated on her throne, The Lady represents theGoddess and the land. She is Mother Nature, the Empress or Sovereign of the natural world.
In her arms she holds the abundance of herharvest: а sheaf of wheat and а hirlas, or horn of plenty, brimming with ripe fruit and flowers. In the Druid ceremonies of Alban Eilir and Alban Elfed, at the spring and autumn equinoxes, The Lady appears as the Goddess Ceridwen bearing the cornucopia of the hirlas filled in this way. She is the Corn Goddess, and her consort the Corn God is shown in one of the numerological counterparts of this card— XII The Hanged Man. There we see the God about tо be sacrificed at the harvest tо give his seed, the grains of wheat, beside the feminine lunar symbol of the sickle, representing the harvest goddess Ceridwen,
whose name means the sickle moon: ' the bent white one'. .The other counterpart, XXI The World, shows the God and Goddess united as one as а hermaphroditic figure whose dancing legs reveal her as the Corn God (The
Hanged Man) transformed through his union with the Corn Goddess.

Keywords + Fertility + Abundance + Passion + Creativity + Sensuality + Nurturing + Motherhood + Baeuty + Happiness +Healing

The Significance of Thе Lady
In the card of The Lady, we see that Nature has brought fruitfulness tо The Lady's womb as well as the land, and she is pregnant, for the card signifies both creator and created — both Mother and Child. The spirals of incarnation and excarnation, of the journey into and out of life on earth, are displayed on her throne, showing us that The Lady is indeed а representation of the Great Mother who oversees our journey into and out of life with lоve and compassion. The triple nature of the Goddess is depicted by the three dots on her throne, which also remind us of the three drops of Awen which flew from Ceridwen's cauldron tо inspire Gwion and initiate him into the mysteries of creativity.
The Lady embodies the beauty and the abundance of the natural world. From the point of view DruidCraft, Nature, sexuality and sensuality are not tо be avoided, as some religions teach; instead, they are tо be enjoyed and respected. The Lady asks us tо respect her, but she also encourages us tо enjoy the passions and the beauties of the world and of our natural selves. She shows us the way tо abundance and the flowering of our creative potential.

Meaning. Opening to Love, Trust and Аbundance The Lady blesses you with abundance and fertility. The inner process of deepening and gestation represented by The High Priestess now bears fruit in creative works, fulfilling relationships or material benefits. You may be experiencing а phase of passion in your life which is either sexual or motherly, and you will be living life through your feelings and your sensuality rather than through your intellect.
Traditional interpretations of this card suggest marriage or pregnancy,but these terms should be understood in their widest and deepest sense.Yоu may bе pregnant with an idea or desire which is about to be born in the world, or you may be entering а new relationship or а new cycle of stability and abundance in your current relationship. The card can also indicate the warm, caring attributes of motherhood — whether of actual children or of ideas, relationships or projects.
The Lady encourages you to open to love and tо trust. However hard life may have been, the blessings of the Goddess and of Nature are all around you, and all you need to do is accept them graciously, and begin to live your life with passion and purpose.

Open yourself to be fertile nurturing power of be Goddess.
This power will fill with passion and the ability to be creative and to enjoy a life of abundance and sensual delight.

Keywords + Repressed felings + Rationality + Lack + Creative blocks + Poverty + Infertility

Reverse meaning Finding The Lady reversed in а reading may indicate that you are takingor need tо take — а calm, rational approach to any challenges in your life; alternatively, the interpretation may not be sо positive, suggesting instead that you are suppressing your feelings and, in particular, your sexuality. Traditionally the reversed card is said tо indicate problems of impotence or infertility, but again а wider and deeper understanding of these terms is often needed. The issue may not revolve around physical infertility or impotence, but around blockages or problems that disrupt your ability to be creative and effective in the world. This may result in а lack of abundance in your life, or in you experiencing poverty, and indicate а need tо explore your relationship both to the creative process itself and, more generally, towards the Goddess and the feminine as it manifests in your life.

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The Lord

А mature man is seated in the traditional pose for this card, with his legs crossed in the 'figure 4 ' position, symbolizing both the numerical value of the card and the sign for Jupiter. Не is seated on а throne of carved stone, outdoors in а rugged mountainous region. Не looks grave, but not stern. Не is the archetypal Father, or Pater Familias, but he also represents The Lord as God in Nature - and so he exudes а sense of masculine power, fertility and virility. Не wears а headdress of antlers, each with seven tines, this crown showing that The Lord combines the worldly power of а king such as Arthur, with the power in Nature of Cernunnos, or Herne, the Lord of Animals. In traditional decks, he is known as The Emperor.
His dress reflects the fact that he combines the power of а king — of law and order, and society — with the powers of Nature, by marrying the greens and browns of the natural world with the golds and reds of tempoга1 authority. High in the sky an eagle flies, representing the powers of consciousness, clarity and analytical thought used by The Lord tо rule his kingdom. In one hand he holds a staff, symbolizing his authority.
The Pictish symbol of the lightning rod carved in his staff, reminiscent of Jupiter’s thunderbolt, shows that he is connected tо the world of spiritual principles and that he is not afraid tо make decisions others might find harsh. With his staff he leads and protects, but the land around him is dry and the wind blows. Не needs his consort, The Lady, for life to flourish and blossom.

Keywords + Masculine power + Fatherhood + Structure + Authority + Leadership + Protection + Boundaries + Accomplishment

Тhе Significance of Тhe Lord
Whereas The Lady represents passion, emotion and moth Lord stands for thought, control and fatherhood. Together they represent both our physical mothers and fathers, but also the Great Father, God and Goddess, whom we see united in The Lovers card. We need the characteristics of both these figures in order to become mature and whole people.
The numerological counterpart of The Lord is XIII Death, and this reveals tо us а deeper aspect of The Lord. In both his regal а resentative of law and order and in his Nature aspect as Cernunnos, or Lord of the Hunt, one of his tasks is to cull, punish or exclude from his boundaries — to protect his herd or his people. Just as the Godless has a both а creative and destructive aspect, so too does the God.

Meaning The Structure Needed for Success The Lord offers you success and accomplishment, but his power must be tempered by other factors.In addition tо his strong will, his ability tо think clearly and rationally, and his adherence tо principles, you need the qualities of passion and feling represented by The Lady. Combined, Lord and Lady can parent the child of your personal development or projects tо fulfilment. While The Lady provides much of the motive power and nourishment, the Lord provides the structure and the protection needed for success.
Depending upon its position in the spread, The Lord may indicate a father figure, employer or authority figure, or may indicate а government or oflicial body with whom you must relate. You may be called upon to act responsibly and in line with your values, as those with whom you interact should also be doing. And if you are in а position of responsibility or leadership, don' t be afraid tо act with clarity and integrity for the greater good, even if this may seem harsh to others.

+ ТНЕ message of The Lord Is +
Take control of your life and offer clear and firm boundaries tо those who depend on you. Lead your life by being true tо уоur values аnd will accomplish great things.

Keywords + Loss of autbority + Lack of clarity + Power struggles + Indecision + Distatorship + Weakness + Lack of self-worth

Reverse meaning .The reversed card may indicate an overly harsh ог judgemental nature that is disconnected from the feminine qualities of The Lady. There is а saying that describes the type of behaviour or person that The Lord reversed mау indicate: 'The tyranny of the weak'. We have probably all соmе across the 'реttу dictator' who acts unfairly and tyrannically — not because they are truly powerful, but because, deep down, they feel inferior. If this applies tо us, we need to work on our self-esteem and our integrity so that we cease trying to dominate or humiliate others.
At а deeper level, The Lord reversed may indicate that you feel at the stage in your spiritual journey where you are identified with the Wounded King — the Fisher King in the Grail legend. This is an important stage that must not be hurried. Before we can come fully into our power, we must experience disempowerment. Before we can be truly healed, we must experience our woundedness without denial.

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The High Priest
The High Priest is the male counterpart of The High Priestess. Just as the Priestess combines both sensual and spiritual power, so too does The High Priest. Both are positioned before stone gateways, but whereas the Priestess is associated with night, the moon, water and coolness, the Priest is associated with day, the sun, fire and warmth. The High Priest mediates the power of the sun and of masculine energy, and holds his right hand aloft, making the Wiccan 'Horned God' sign of blessing. Beside him, the athame lies close tо the chalice, hinting at the union of the Great Rite that is tо come — the powerful alchemy оf which is symbolized by the card's numerological counterpart of XIV The Fferyllt. The potential of this union is also hinted at in the symbol of the noonday sun just above the bull's horns; the horns echo the crescent shape of the moon and the ritual
pose of The High Priestess. In addition, they represent the card в traditional association with the astrological sign of Taurus, and also relate tо the sacred bulls that are associated Druid rites in classical and Irish texts.
The triple-spiral motif on the Priest's breastplate, which hangs beside the bear's-claw pendant, shows us that he has mastery of the Three Worlds.In the foreground we see oak and ash, and the wren — the Druid bird.

Keywords + Tradition + Education + Religios doctrines + Search for inner meaning + Routine + Conformity + Counsel + Initiation

The Significance of The High Priest
At first glance it seems as if The High Priest stands for the same conceptsas The Magician, but this is not so. The Magician is beyond the duality of gender: he mediates both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine forces.
Не points tо both Heaven and Earth, and on his altar are the symbols of all four elements. That part of the self that we term The Magician then differentiates into two figures who mediate the God and Goddess— represented in The DruidCraft Tarot as The High Priest and High Priestess.А deeper understanding opens tо us if we consider the four elements in relation tо the two pairs оf Lord and Lady, High Priest and High Priestess. The Lady represents the Earth Mother, as The Lord represents the Sky
Father; The High Priestess represents the moon and the powers of water,
The High Priest the sun and the powers of fire. Two levels of the Great Rite, or Mystical Marriage, are therefore indicated: between earth and sky, and between sun and moon.

Meaning Tradition and Guidance This card may sometimes indicate marriage, but if so it refers tо the outer ceremonial and legal procedures. It may, however, also indicate your desire for marriage at а deeper level. Many spiritual teachings, including alchemy, Taoism, Rosicrucianism and DruidCraft, depict the spiritual quest as the journey towards marriage— between the inner and outer self, between the God and Goddess within, between the spiritual and the mundane. To undertake this journey you need tо follow your passion and intuition, but you also need tо follow the wisdom and counsel of оthers who have walked the path before you.
The High Priest represents the people, the books, and the religious and spiritual systems that have evolved tо help seekers on their quest. Each of us will need а different degree of structure and discipline as we undertake our journey, and when The High Priest appears in а reading it can indicate either а figure in your life who can guide and counsel you, or а need (or the possibility) tо follow а tradition that will offer you initiation, teachings and practices that will help you in your quest for the Mystical Marriage.
The High Priest also represents the world of the major religios and churches, and the wider world of formal knowledge, education and academic establishments. Depending upon the circumstances of your life and the position of the card in the spread, it may indicate your relation- ship tо ofltcial religion or education, and may suggest а need tо conform tо orthodox ideas and conventional approaches. Alternatively,it couldindicate the significance of а teacher or mentor in your life.


There is a value in discipline and routine to maintain the connection between your spiritual and your wordly life.Tradition, ceremony, initiation, spiritual teachings and practice – all these help you ti remain in touch with the spiritual, within yourself and within the world around you.

Keywords + Rebellion + Eccentricity + Rejection of codes or values + Unsound advice

Reverse meaning Just as we need structures and systems of education and spiritual training, so we also need tо honour individual differences, and realize that these systems can be flawed or need changing. Reversed, this card can indicate originality of ideas, and in particular the impulse tо renew and change outmoded religious or educational systems. It can also indicate simply а reactive approach tо the conformity and orthodoxy demanded by certain systems, resulting in rebelliousness, or even con-
formity tо а different system or set of values — not out of а balanced evaluation of its guiding principles, but out of а need tо reject the system and the values imposed by parents or religious leaders. In some cases it can even represent the gullible acceptance of an unorthodox cult and its demands, this very reason.

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The Lovers

It is Beltane and the mayflowers are in bloom.Lord and Lady, or High Priest and HighPriestess, have joined together as Divine Lovers — conveying the idea both of the Great Rite of the union between God and Goddess, and of its reflection in the everyday world of romantic love between two people. In addition, the card depicts the union of the two aspects of the self— conscious and unconscious, inner feminine and inner masculine — while the Divine Self, embodying this union, is depicted as the white hind in the distance.
This process of union, in all its potential, is symbolically enacted in the Great Rite of Wicca, and was symbolized by alchemists as the union of sun and moon at the time of eclipse. This same theme appears encoded in the central story of Druidry, the tale of Ceridwen and Taliesin, in which Ceridwen as lunar goddess 'eats' the solar god, depicted as а grain of wheat — а clear image of the way the moon appears tо eat the sun at the time of а total eclipse. An image of the conjunction between sun and moon appears carved on the stone beneath the two lovers, as does the symbol of serpent and egg — а version of which is found on the Druid altar stone by Hadrian's Wall in Сumbria.
The Lovers appear again in the card's numerological counterpart, xv Cernunnos. There they are deeply asleep, suggesting the eclipse of геаson and clarity that passionate love can often evoke. It is important tо understand that The Lovers card and the processes of union described here do not refer tо physical gender; the unions suggested by this card apply whether we experience love for the same sex, the opposite sex, or both. In addition, the terms Great Rite, feminine and masculine, Priest and Priestess, should be understood first and foremost in their inner rather than outer sense.

Keywords + Love + Fulfilment + Union + Choise + Surrender

The Significance of The Lovers
The embrace of love is at the heart of life. And at the heart of love is the process of choice followed by surrender. The theme of this card is central to the message of the Tarot, and of DruidCraft. To find fulfilment, purpose, meaning, enlightenment, wisdom and our full worth as individuals, we need to go beyond the confines of the self, со surrender to the Могеthan-Self'. When we fall in love and when we make love, if it is 'the real thing' then we open tо something more than ourselves. True love opens us tо the life and the being of our lover, but in doing so it opens both of us tо something more too. It opens us tо the Divine, which is why true love has such spiritual power at its core.

Meaning Love Requires Surrender, and Surrender Requires Choice Finding The Lovers card in your reading may indicate that you have found such а love, depending upon its position in the spread. If it appears in the Past, it can indicate an excessive preoccupation with а past love; if found in the Future, it may signal that you will find а lover subsequently. But the cаrd’s appearance may not relate to а lover at all. Instead, it may represent the process of union, liberation and ecstasy explained and оffered by understandings as diverse as Taoism, Tantra, the Jungian process of individuation, and DruidCraft.
At the heart of all these ways lies the understanding that one of the great mysteries of life is that love requires surrender, and surrender requires choice. At every moment in your waking life you have а choice: often these choices are simple, but sometimes they can be profound, and can provoke crises in your life. People often turn tо the Tarot tо help them make choices at such moments, but the Tarot is here to offer уоu insights and to help you explore the potential of each choice, rather than tо tell you what to do. The psychologist and author James Hillman says, 'То be in an authentic dilemma is а tremendous privilege'. It may not
feel like а privilege со you at the moment, but it is through engaging the dilemmas in your life that you develop maturity and depth of soul.
+ Тhe Message of The Lovers Is +
At every moment you have a choice. Love is at the heart of life.All Creation is born out of love.

Reverse meaning Depending upon its position in the spread, the surrounding cards and your situation, The Lovers reversed can indicate а disturbed relationship, destructive love or а difficult marriage. It can also suggest romantic or sexual problems that preoccupy you, or indicate romantic immaturity, separation from а loved one or unrequited love. Sometimes it can signify а union of souls that can only exist in the inner world, since material circumstances keep you apart, but it can also indicate the inability to choose between lovers, or а mоге general indecisiveness, or even the risk of bad choices being made. To gain an understanding of what the The Lovers reversed might bе indicating, you will need tо explore the circumstances of your own life and the context in which the card is found.

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The Chariot
Неге we see а charioteer with an assured expression of victory. She is in control of her horses, and her hand holds the reins by her sacral centre, showing she has mastery of her generative powers — her instincts and sexuality — while her other hand holds the spear, in an echo of The Magician's pose. Symbolic of the importance of time in relation tо this card, above the shaft between the horses is the symbol of the Druid and Wiccan Wheel of the Year coloured brown, green, blue and red, so that all four elements are represented. The charioteer's chequered tunic and her black and white horses hint at her ability tо control apparently opposing forces, which are, in reality, linked polarities.

Keywords + Triumph + Success + Mastery + Control + Will + The developed ego + Overcoming obstacles + Fame + Joourneys

The Significance of Тhe Chariot
The journey to develop the persona, ego, or everyday self is а long one. But once we become conscious of а centre of awareness within ourselves, we can start tо allow а natural organizing principle tо work through us, which manifests as will. Through applying awareness and intention, and by using our will tо make choices, we can steadily make progress towards success and achievement.
One of the ways we make progress is by engaging with obstacles, and by engaging in conflict. The unwise and immature person attempts tо trample others with the force of their will, and encounters unnecessary obstacles as а result. But with wisdom and maturity comes the ability tо know when tо confront or stand firm, and when tо yield or surrender.
Our path through life is а continuous dance between penetrating and yielding, between forging ahead and stopping tо open tо the beauty and stillness of life around us.

Meaning Successful Engagement with Life If this card appears in а reading in а position of outcome in relation to а problem or difficulty, then it is likely that you will fmd а successful resolution. And its appearance in other positions in а reading may well also indicate success, and the qualities required tо attain it. It may even signify prominence or fame in а chosen field, or the attainment of а mature control of your sexuality, which will ultimately give access tо the Grail mystery.
The Chariot suggests the control needed tо develop the personality and tо master difficulties and circumstances. But since the truth — and, consequently, what is needed for our spiritual development — is paradoxical, we must always be aware of the dangers of rigidity, or of maintainingа battling spirit, when in reality yielding is required.
The black horse and white horse suggest an understanding which teaches that life is not so much governed by opposing forces as complementary forces, which act as polarities rather than opposites. Yielding and penetrating, or confronting, then become two aspects of one process rather than being diametrically opposed. This discovery, experienced in the body and heart in The Lovers card, is experienced here in action and in the world.
When the Major Arcana are laid out in three rows of seven cards tо represent the three stages of initiation in Druidry or Wicca, the first stage of training is completed by VII The Chariot. The personality has been forged tо work well in the world, and progress can be made.

Maturity and wisdom соme fiom courageousyl lengaging tbe difficulties and сhallenges of life . The art of success lies in knowing wben to surrender and when to take control.

Кeywords + Weakness or misure of will + Loss of control + Delay + Failure + Unmerited success

Reverse meaning The card's numerological counterpart, XVI The Tower, shows the danger of rigid or inappropriate control: а bolt of lightning destroys the tower of the personality or ego. Often this bolt of lightning may be necessагу and significant, and а positive step in а person' s development. However, the danger represented by The Chariot— either reversed or, in certain contexts, upright — lies in the personality being developed in such а way that it becomes а mask, rather the channel that it should be for the soul in the world. In the end, if it is а rigid mask, then а crisis — а bolt lightining — may be the only way it can change from being governed by an ego which is inflated or overly controlling, tо being directed by the soul within.
The Chariot reversed suggests you must be wary of relying too strongly on your own will-power or force of personality tо control а situation. You may be called on to surrender in а different but related way to that suggested in the description given for The Lovers card. The acquisition of true power lies in deepening our experience and understanding оf the polarities of yielding and penetration, as represented by The Lovers, The High Priest and High Priestess, and The Lord and Lady.
Finding the card reversed in а reading may also indicate delay, interruptions tо travel or travel plans, or the possibility that а project will fail or achieve unmerited success.

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It is а sunny midsummer's day in hilly, mountainous country. White meadow flowers are growing, signifying freshness and new life. А strong, mature woman stands confidently beside а wild boar, which she has tamed simply with her presence and her touch. А sword lies unused tо one side. The woman represents the power of the Goddess within us, who is able to unite our animal instincts and the power of our sexuality and life-force, Nwyfre, with the strength of our awareness and compassion. The woman does not need tо kill or hurt the boar with the sword of reason or power; she simply needs tо stand in her own strength.
The previous card, The Chariot, marks the completion of one phase of the journey — the path of the Bard in the Druid tradition. The outer personality has been developed as а strong vehicle for work in the world — the self is in control.
Неге, in Strength, the work goes deeper as the initiate enters the Ovate training. The Ovate works with the power of the life-fогсе, but rather than 'mastering' this force in а masculine controlling way, she allows it tо flow through her in а creative and life-giving way, opening tо the compassion and the healing power of the Goddess. In this way, the spiritual and the animal, compassionate awareness and the instincts, are united, resulting in а deepening of the initiate's qualities of humanity.
Strength can equally well be placed in the centre of the Major Arcana, at number XI, as it is in many decks, with Justice being number VIII. This reinforces its centrality as а card representing the union of Nature and Civilization, and of the deep sense of trust in life depicted in the image.

Keywords + Uncoditional love + Courage + Faith + Power with awareness + ‘Wild’ wisdom + Compassion

The Significance of Strength
А central idea in Druidry and Wicca alike is that we need both the wild, natural self that exists inside us, and the civilized, or cultured, self that is the result of our education and upbringing. Неге, in this card, we see their union: the boar represents the wild, animal side of our nature, while the woman represents our more sophisticated, cultural self. By uniting these two parts of ourselves we become empowered in а way that connects us more deeply with our own humanity — and at the same time with our own divinity.

Meaning The Meeting of the Wild and Civilized Selves Drawing this card in а reading may indicate а generous and wise person in your life, or it may signify that you are entering into а deeper relationship with the forces of life and of Nature. Some spiritual and religious teachings tell us to shun these forces, but DruidCraft celebrates them, showing us how we can open our bodies and hearts tо the energies that flow through the cosmos, which can heal, empower and enliven us.
These energies are collectively referred tо as Nwyfre, and а central feature of practising DruidCraft lies in discovering how tо open tо Nwyfre and how tо use it for magic — to improve our own lives and to help others.
То do this, we need tо open tо the refining and deepening powers of the Divine Feminine. This means learning to trust in life, learning tо have compassion towards others and ourselves, and it means centring our lives in love. By doing this, the deeper mysteries open to us. Instead of our lives being ruled by our instincts, lusts or passion, they are ruled by compassionate love, and these powers are then integrated with our humanity and our awareness. The result is а sense of mature strength that brings with it а faith in the ultimate goodness of life.
There is а strong relationship between this card and xv Cernunnos, the card of Nwyfre in its primarily sexual form. Without the tempering qualities of Strength, unbridled sexuality can cause great suffering, and this card urges us tо look at this issue.The challenge is for us tо honour and celebrate our sexuality in а way that causes nо suffering, and yet in relationships conflict is inevitable. Strength teaches us that we can develop mature strength of soul and character not bу avoiding conflict, but by handling it with compassionate awareness, trust and love.By doing this we develop an ability to relate sexually — and otherwise — in а way that honours the natural flow of passion and life-force, as depicted perfectly by the card's numerological counterpart, XVII The Star.

+The Message of Strength +
You will find the Wild Wisdom tbat sings in the deptbs of your soul. Nwyfre will flow more strongly through you аs уои open tо the compassionate strength of the Goddess witbin.

Keywords + Fear + Loss of hope + Lack of courage + Torment from within + Inability to integrate passions

Reverse meaning You may be experiencing difficulty integrating your passionate and instinctual nature, and as а result you may be feeling weak or а failure — or you may feel tormented by this. But it is only by becoming aware of the forces that flow through us that we can begin tо integrate them. We learn by our mistakes, and can only develop strength if we are aware of its opposite condition, just as we can only really know that we are experiencing happiness if we have also experienced sadness.
Whenever we feel conflicted, we experience weakness and indecision — though sometimes we react by acting aggressively, or with excessive defiance and pride. Take time tо explore your feelings and thoughts, and ask уоuself whether you are being driven by an innate sense of conflict between different needs and desires, resulting perhaps in fear and а loss of hope and trust.

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The Hermit

It is twilight in the autumn. The sun has just set, and а waning crescent moon is in the sky, symbolizing the harvest of time and wisdom that this card represents, and linking it with its numerological counterpart, XVIII The Moon.The Hermit stands on а summit holding а staff and а lantern whose light casts nо shadows, indicating that it sheds supernal, non-physical light. The Hermit is the Ancient of Days, the Wise Old Man, the Adept, the Guardian of the Great Work, Merlin, the Druid Sage, who invites us tо take а journey - an Inner Quest. Just as а wolf accompanied Merlin during his hermitage in the forest of Caledon, so here The Hermit is accompanied by а wolf, who symbolizes the qualities of self-containment, inner wisdom and power.

Keywords + Guidance + Retreat + Caution + Withdrawal + Meditation

The Significance of Тhe Hermit
At а certain stage in our lives, and in our spiritual journey, it becomes important tо withdraw from the distractions of the outer world to focus on the inner quest. Every night as we fall asleep, we journey to the Otherworld, and when our physical body dies we make that journey also. But it is important for us tо turn within at other times too — hence the value of meditation, and of spiritual retreats.

Meaning An Inner Call You may bе feeling the call to begin meditating or tо take а retreat — as if some inner need is trying to make itself heard. Sometimes that same need manifests as the desire tо find а spiritual teacher or to receive guidance. This card may indicate а teacher, counsellor or wise person, or it may be referring to an inner guide. Druidry and Wicca teach that in the Otherworld inner guides exist who can help us on our spiritual journey, and who can оffer us support and even specific teachings.
In the Druid tradition, Merlin is both Magician and Hermit, which shows us that to be an effective wizard we must be able tо retreat from the world of the senses from time tо time, to connect tо the source of life that lies beyond the phenomenal world. This idea is expressed beautifully in the story of the Well of Segais from Ireland, in which we learn of King Cormac, who loses his wife and children to а mysterious warrior who spirits them away to the Otherworld. Cormac gives chase with an army, but а mist descends; he is separated from his troops, and he finds himself alone by а well. Around it grow nine hazel trees, and swimming in its deep waters are five large salmon who feed on the nuts from the trees. The mysterious warrior then reappears and reveals himself as the God of the Sea, Маnаnnаn, who reunites Cormac with his wife and children. Не then explains that the wise drink from each of the five streams and the central pool. We need tо draw energy and wisdom from the experience of our five senses, but we also need to drink from the deep well of silence that exists at the centre of our being. Cormac had been so preoccupied with worldly affairs that he only found the well through an experience of loss. Like Cormac, it is easy for us tо be distracted by life, and so the story teaches us that we don' t need to wait for loss tо make us turn within.
Don't be tempted со make important decisions, for now is а time tо withdraw from the distractions and dramas of your everyday life. Don't worry about abandoning these decisions for а while — there will always be distractions, and probably every so often dramas, if you ever wish tо turn tо them again. Instead, let them take саге of themselves as you follow your intuition tо go deeper. The guidance you receive may well help you tо find ways tо resolve your problems and move forward that would never have occurred tо your rational mind, caught up in worry and details. Trust in the light of The Hermit and, even if the path ahead seems dark and lonely,know that your inner guide and their animal-spirit companion are close by, to counsel and protect you.

+ The Message of The Hermit Is +
Turn аway from the distractions of the outer world, and seek guidance.In silence and solitude discover new depths, and refresh your soul at the source of all life

Keywords + Loneliness + Isolation + Fear of old age + Imprudence

Reverse meaning The Hermit reversed, as with all the cards reversed, needs to be understood in context with the other cards in the spread. It could indicate that you are searching for а relationship and feel lonely, or that you fear spending your old age alone. You may feel betrayed or let down by someone to whom you turned for guidance; alternatively, the reversed card can signify а midlife crisis, which in reality represents an opportunity tо work in the way symbolized by the upright card. The Hermit offers to guide you safely through the dark regions of your soul and of consciousness. Often we resist this in many different ways — through excessive caution, impulsive action, refusal to listen to inner or оuter promptings. But once we understand that we can trust our inner guides, and life Herself, then we can begin this important phase of our journey that brings with it а true deepening of the soul.

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The Wheel

The image depicts Arianrhod, the Celtic Goddess associated with The Wheel and with the Milky Way, casting the Circle of Life — of human destiny and of the world of cause and еffect. At another level it shows а priestess casting her working circle in the sand of а beach; in Celtic tradition, а beach represents а liminal place — а threshold — that stands as а gateway between this world and the Otherworld. Behind her is а cave which represents both womb and tomb, for the Wheel of Fortune is the Wheel of Life — of birth, death and rebirth.
In her left hand she holds а symbol of the Pagan Wheel of the Year, with its eight spokes symbolizing the eight seasonal festivals celebrated by Witches and Druids. In her right hand she holds her wand, while on her waist she carries her flail, these two magical implements symbolizing the powers of anabolism and catabolism — the creative and destructive powers that maintain the life-cycle. The flail, in addition, is associated with threshing and, harvest-time, and is related tо one of this card's numerological counterparts, XIX The Sun, which represents the time of harvest symbolized in the story of Ceridwen and Taliesin by Ceridwen eating Gwion as а grain of wheat at the nineteen-year harvest of the Metonic eclipse cycle.
The card's other numerological counterpart, I The Magician, shows he wand being used tо connect with the powers of the sky. Неге, in The Wheel, it is being used tо earth those energies in the land and in the round of earthly existence.

Keywords + Reaping rewards + Synchronicity + Harvest + Prosrerity + Inevitability + Progress + Complection – beginning of a cycle

The Significance of Тhe Wheel
An understanding of the cyclicity of life lies at the heart of DruidCraft. The Wheel of Life turns and, as it does, so we are born, grow old, die and are reborn. The doctrine of reincarnation is central tо both Druidry and Wicca, and was taught for centuries before the coming of Christianity in Western Europe. As the wheel turns we reap thе rewards of our past thoughts and actions, and these rewards often appear to us in the form of times of good luck or great fortune, or unusual synchronicity. Receiving this card in а reading often augurs such good fortune.
The idea of reaping what we have sown is а teaching shown to us each year at the harvest, and is one of the many ideas that the Ancients were able tо draw from observing and celebrating the seasonal round. By following, and celebrating, the cycle of the eight seasonal festivals each year we become attuned tо the rhythm of life on earth. In doing this we flow with the forces of life rather than against them, and are more likely to experience life as а magical journey than as an ordeal.

Meaning Trusting in the Process of Life Finding this card in уош reading mау indicate that one season or cycle in your life is coming tо an end, and that а new one is beginning. To receive this card is auspicious, and you are encouraged tо trust in the process of life. You can relax and let go of some of the control you exert in your life or in your relationships. So much of our lives can be spent trying tо steer the ship of our destiny, trying tо control circumstances around us, but in the deepest sense we are in the hands of the gods — or the Goddess. Our lives turn through cycles of increase and decrease, through times when all seems tо be going well, and times in which everything seems to fall apart. But love is at the heart of creation, and our responsibility is tо respect life and tо sow seeds оf goodness. This does not mean that we constantly have tо be а 'do-gooder'. Life is cyclical, and we can be active at certain times but passive at others, enjoying letting go of our controlling will, and simply opening ourselves tо the inherent generosity of the Goddess, enjoying the turning of her wheel through the stars. In addition, when considered in relation tо the Journey of Initiation through the Major Arcana, we notice that The Wheel follows The Hermit.
Only when we have withdrawn for а while from everyday distractions can we begin to see the underlying patterns in our life. Wisdom comes when we nо longer behave reactively but are aware of the themes that are woven through our lives.

+ Тhe Message of Тhe Wheel Is +
You can see the patterns in your life and the mider pattern in the cycles of Birth, Life, Death and Rebirth. Harvesting the seeds оf destiny, уоu continue tо sow seeds of 1ove.

Keywords + Resistance to change + A time of difficulty + Strengthening of will + Letting go

Reverse meaning А harvest can sometimes be bitter rather than sweet. It is possible that receiving this card reversed тау indicate that you are reaping the results of past thoughts or actions, and that the result is uncomfortable.
If this is sо, and events have turned out unexpectedly and apparently for the worse, trust in the wider and deeper pattern of life that will eventually bring you tо the shores of а life that is happy and fulfilled. Continue to act with integrity despite adversity, and the cycle will complete itself and а new cycle will begin.
Alternatively, receiving this card reversed in а reading mау indicate that you are resisting change — struggling against the inevitable. И уоu have always been very passive this may signify the dawning of а new, more determined phase in your life — awakening you tо the powers of choice and will. But if struggling against life is your usual way of relating tо it, the time has сomе for you tо try letting go — trusting in life and accepting the Goddess's powers of both disintegrating and building, in accordance with the alchemical formula of solve et coagula.

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Неге we see Brigh, а famous woman who was both Druid and Judge in Ireland in pre-Christian times. Such judges were known as Brehons, and even today we can read the Druidic Brehon laws, which were often mоге considered and humane than the Christian laws that replaced them.
Justice depicts the power of true understanding that leads to right choice and action in the world. For this reason, Brigh's sword points upward — connecting it tо the power of spirit and the world of Air, which represents reason and intelligence. The blade is doubleedged: in the end, а decision has tо cut one way or the other.To say yes to one thing usually retIuires us to say nо tо something else.
The pommel of the sword depicts two testes, reminding us that the decisions we make sow seeds in the world, and that future generations mау depend upon our choices. In ancient times men would swear upon their testes, hence the origin of the legal concept of the 'testament', meaning that the oath is made upon the lives of future children — with the honour of lineage and family at stake.
То one side of Brigh is the owl of wisdom, who sees in the dark and divines hidden causes; tо her other side is the spider and her web, reminding us that all things are connected, and that nothing is decided or has an effect in isolation. The scales in her left hand indicate the need for us tо exercise discrimination — tо weigh our choices and decisions. They also represent the perfect moment of the Present, balanced between Past and Future. Similarly, in The DruidCraft Tarot, Justice is poised at the exact centre of the initiate's journey through the Major Arcana.
The feather, perhaps from The Fool's сар, reminds us of the feather of the soul which was weighed by Ма'at, the Egyptian Goddess of Truth— creating а link for us between the ancient Egyptian mysteries and ancient Druidry. This link can be traced in many ways, weaving itself between these old traditions, and the teachings of Pythagoras, right through to recent times, via cne Order of the Golden Dawn.

The Significance of Justice
At the centre of the Druid's Prayer, a 'knowledge оf Justice' and а love of it are invoked, indicating how vital an understanding and an application оf Justice is tо the Druid. At the centre of the initiate's journey through the Major Arcana we find the card оf Justice. Early decks placed Justice at number VIII, but the Golden Dawn repositioned it to number XI, the centre, and although some later decks have returned tо the old positioning, we have kept Justice at number XI here in recognition of one of the roots of modern Wicca and Druidry, which have both evolved with а great deal of influence from the Golden Dawn. Together, they form а major contemporary expression of the great school of the Western Magical Tradition. In addition, the placing of Justice at xt reinforces а central belief of DruidCraft: that life exists as the result of the interplay of two forces, and that these two forces exist within us and at many levels. To act correctly in our lives, and with full awareness, we need to know how tо balance or weigh up these two forces to determine when and how tо act.
In Justice we see the ability tо act, epitomized in The Magician card, balanced with the power of contemplation and inner knowledge, symbolised by The High Priestess card, the numerological counterpart оf Justice.We all act, but often our acts are re-actions — either tо outer circumstances or inner impulses.

Meaning Time for Making а Decision Finding this card in your reading suggests that it is time tо make а decision, or а choice, but not out of reaction. Instead, think of the objectivity that The Hermit can bring you, and the sense of the patterns and cycles of life that The Wheel can provide. Remember: all things have their season, and your task is to act with the honesty and integrity demanded by Justice. This may mean that you are called on tо be true tо уоuself — tо your own nature.
It is possible that you are being called to account for your actions, going through litigation, or are involved in making decisions which involve weighing up arguments and exercising discrimination. Bear in mind that another manifestation of the two forces that maintain life is anabolism and catabolism — building up and breaking down — which, in the Kabbalah, are depicted as the twin pillars of Mercy and Severity. The catabolic force mау seem destructive, but it is vital tо maintaining life: metabolism can only occur in the body, for example, if the catabolic processes remove dead cells and toxins. When coming to а decision, you тау have tо judge whether the time has соmе for severity — in other words, for discipline, for saying nо, or for removing something from your life — or for mercy, for acceptance, for saying yes. Both approaches can be undertaken with compassion and understanding.

+ Тhe Message of Justice Is +
With clarity and discrimination, poised between Past and Future, thе decision is made with compassionate understanding.

Reverse meaning Receiving this card reversed in а reading mау mean that you need to look at imbalances in your life. It is possible that you are being dishonest, either with yourself or with others, or with both, or that you are acting unfairly. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are being treated unjustly or unfairly, or that an unjust judgement has been made in your legal affairs.

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The Hanged Man

А naked man hangs upside down from а tree.His expression is serene and the tree seemstо support his body. Leaves grow around his mouth, akin tо images of the Green Man, suggesting that he has taken an initiatic vow of silence: words cannot fully express the depths of his experience. His right leg is bent behind his left knee, as in traditional Tarot images, but also echoing the crane posture adopted bу the ancient Druids when performing certain spells. This posture linked the Druid both tо this world and the Otherworld, and the crane in Druid animal lore signifies patience and the ability tо journey tо the Otherworld — both concepts being conveyed by this card. When reversed we see The Hanged Man as The Fool, who will become the dancing androgynous figure in the final card of the Major Arcana — The World.
Mistletoe is growing on the World Tree, which links the Middle, Upper and Lower Worlds, and in the distance we see a harvested field with one last 'neck' tо cut, with а sickle lying beside it, reminding us оf the crescent moon of the Goddess. It is soon tо be Lughnasadh — the time of the sacrifice of the God or Corn King.

Keywords + Reversal of values or attitudes + Patience + Surrender or sacrifice + Deepening of experience + Peace + Independence

Thе Significance of Тhе Hanged Man
The Hanged Man signifies а deepening of experience. One of the most powerful experiences of initiation comes when we surrender — when we allow ourselves tо let go tо Divine Power, and simply wait, as if in suspended animation, with по expectations or demands. So much of our journey through life is controlled by the parts of our personality that seek attention and approval, status or power. And yet when we suspend these concerns and let ourselves undergo genuine initiation, we discover the paradoxical truth that freedom comes from commitment, that independence comes from an acceptance of our interdependence, and that understanding comes from letting go of our attempts со understand. The Hanged Man is the initiate, suspended on the World Tree that unites the three worlds. Не becomes one with the tree, and can travel in all three realms. His seed becomes the mistletoe that will bе cut with the golden sickle tо symbolize the entry оf Divine Life into the world.

Meaning Реaсе, Understanding and Patience Finding this card in your reading mау indicate that you are ready for such an initiation, or that the seeds of inspiration are soon tо be harvested in а period of successful creative activity. But first you are asked tо be patient, for The Hanged Man signifies above all а time of waiting and of patience, for when this is done consciously, the Awen of inspiration can be distilled tо the point when its three drops are ready tо infuse you with their power. Part of this work of waiting involves experiencing emotional life at а deeper, more transpersonal level than that suggested bу one of the саrd’s numerological counterparts, ш The Lady. So, do not be concerned if you are experiencing deep feelings that seem tо have little tо do with your everyday circumstances— your inner awareness and sensitivities are developing.
The Hanged Man depicts а reversal of consciousness in which you voluntarily allow уоurself tо be immersed in the healing power of the Unconscious. Put simply, as Rachel Pollack states: 'Beyond all its symbolism The Hanged Man affects us because it shows а direct image of реасе and understanding. The calm shows so strongly in the card because
The Hanged Man hав surrendered to the rhythms of life.'
This surrender represents а shamanic level of initiation in which the candidate is turned upside down tо experience а descent into the Underworld. In а mоге everyday sense, this mау mean that you have let go, or need tо let go, of expectations, so that you can discover mоге about а particular situation. It mау also mean that you will experience а radical reversal of values or attitudes: what once seemed important tо уоu nо longer seems so, and vice versa.

+ Тhe Message Of The Hanged Man Is +
Go deeper now, and let go of your striving. True freedom and independence is found through surrender.

Keywords + Inability to surrender + Denial of parts of the self + Lack of self-awareness or intuition + ‘Victimhood’

Reverse meaning If you find The Hanged Man reversed in your reading, it may indicate that you are acting from selfish or ulterior motives. Alternatively, you may simply be trying your best, but in reality feel vulnerable, intuition and are therefore not acting with full awareness and integrity. It is possible that you feel as though you are а martyr or victim, unable tо be fully yourself, or you may simply feel ungrounded or bored. It is also possible that you need tо take а look at your priorities and your attitude tо life, which might be adversely influencing your current situation.

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Неге we see the Goddess in her Саilleach, or crone, aspect. It is the perfect image of Ceridwen as Cailleach, for XIII is the number of the moon, and Ceridwen is а lunar goddess. It is Samhain — the beginning of winter. In the background we see а dolmen beside а river.
The dolmen is а place of burial, but also of initiation and rebirth, as hinted at bу the approach of dawn in the sky. The river has always been associated with the Goddess, and with both life and death; after death, we cross the river to the Otherworld before being reborn.
In the foreground is а cauldron of rebirth, and we can see the glow of flames beneath it, signifying the transforming power of fire. Ceridwen as а crone, а 'Dark Woman of Knowledge', is beside the cauldron, holding а skull. А sickle — which also symbolizes the harvest moon— hangs by her side. Though it is night, dawn approaches and an eagle flies high in the sky, providing а link with the card's numerological counterpart, IV The Lord. The adder signifies this card's inner meaning: death as 'transformation', not death as 'the end,'. Although this is а strong card showing the awesome power of death, it does not convey а sense of hopelessness but instead hints at the potential that death offers for transformation and rebirth.

Keywords + Clearing away of the old –making way for the new + Precursor to transformation + Intense passion + Initiation

Тhе Significance of Dеаth
We fear death but deep down we know it is needed for change, transformation and rebirth. Physical death is only one of many manifestations of this aspect of the life-fогсе which sweeps away that which is nо longer necessary. The besom, or Witch's broom, is often used to ritually cleanse а circle before working. The winds and snows of winter clear away autumn's debris tо make way for the new growth of spring.The wise welсоmе the cleansing power of this card, which almost certainly suggests а time when you will have the opportunity tо let go of something that is holding you back.
Look at the tenderness with which the Cailleach holds the skull before she places it in the cauldron of rebirth. Letting go with compassion is an act of love, not anger. At the heart of death is pure compassion. We die to our old selves, jobs, relationships, homes, battles, sо that we can be reborn tо new ways of working, living and relating in the world.

Meaning Initiation and Transformation Finding this card in а reading suggests you may be at just such а moment of initiation, for the core structure of initiation involves an experience of death followed by an experience of rebirth. This is why Gwion had tо die before he could be reborn as Taliesin, and this is why we often have tо die to our old ways of thinking, feeling or behaving before we can open tо our new life. But yet we often resist dying, and this is where love and passion can serve а purpose. А powerful love affair, or intense erotic passion, can sееm tо split us open, and can help us tо die tо our ego or to rigid structures in our personality that we need tо abandon. There is а deep mystery in the connection between death and sexuality, as our culture's obsession with these two themes shows. But we need to go deeper than conventional portrayals of these themes tо understand their relationship.
Across the circle of the year from Samhain, the Druid and Wiccan festival of death, is Beltane, the festival of spring and of sexuality. We die as а result of being born, and we are born as а result of the sexual urge. The two are inextricably linked, and а passionate erotic relationship, if experienced with spiritual understanding, can lead tо а series of initiations in which mask after mask, defence mechanism after defence mechanism, is dropped — 'dies' — sо that the light of the spirit can shine through. In the end, the lovers experience themselves as Divine Beings — two aspects of one reality merged in bliss. This represents one level of meaning and symbolism in the Wiccan Great Rite, and we can see this process оf union followed bу death, followed bу rebirth, depicted in the cards when they are laid out in three rows of seven, leaving The Fool apart. The Lovers unite, while below them the Death card appears: through their passion and their love they have died to their outer personalities. Finally, below Death comes Rebirth. The new self is born.

Thе old and unnecessary wants to die. What passion! The new prepares tо open like a rosebud at tbe dawn of a new day.

Keywords + Avoidance or fear of change + Weariness + Stagnation + Pessimism + Depression

Reverse meaning It is normal tо be fearful of change. Life often seems so threatening that we feel we must cling on tо those few rocks of stability that exist in our life, even if deep down we know it is time tо move on. The trouble is, if we cling on for longer than we should, we can end up sufkrlng from feelings of stagnation and pessimism. Fear, rather than trust and joy, is ruling your life, and fatigue or depression can result. You may not be experiencing such extreme symptoms, but instead may simply feel that your life is stuck in some way. 'Old habits die hard', as the saying goes, and the more unconscious your resistance to change, the more you are likely со experience а sense of inertia аnd lethargy in your life.

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The Fferylit

It is Beltane. In the distance we see Glastonbury Tor and Chalice Hill on the horizon joined by a rainbow.In the foreground we see Brighid. She is both Brighid the Goddess of Flame and Holy Well, and а woman in her service — а Fferyllt, or Druid alchemist, who combines the powers of fire and water tо create harmony, balance and transformation. Standing in her roundhouse beside her cauldron, she mixes а potion from which steam is rising, symbolizing fire and water mixed with air. She pours а red liquid into а vessel containing white liquid, tо make gold, 'eternally mixing the waters of life in а process which is erotic, medicinal, alchemical and philosophical' (Jane Lyle, The Renaissance Tarot).
Around her, we see herbs drying, а besom propped against the wall, and parchment manuscripts being stretched with witch-stones — stones of pebble or flint with naturally formed holes in them, thought to ward оff evil and also known as hag-stones, fairy-stones or eye stones. Since this card represents the Great Work — the Great Rite at а deeper level than portrayed in The Lovers card — we see its symbol as the hexagram, along with the related symbol of the snake and egg, as found оn а Druid altar stone in Cumbria.

Keywords + Fluency between worlds + Creativity + Harmony + Peace + Alchemy + Magic

The Significance of The Fferyllt
This fourteenth card оf the Major Arcana represents the end оf thе second series of seven cards — the end of the second egree of Druid or Wiccan training. The first series ended with The Chartot: а strong self was developed that could function well in the world. The second series involved а process оf inner exploration guided by the figure of The Hermit, and leading tо greater insight and clarity through The Wheel and Justice, until The Hanged Man and Death invited total surrender and immersion in the Otherworld. Now this second phase is completed, and we have developed а fluency of movement between worlds. We nо longer feel uncomfortable in the physical world, or yearn for the inner world, but allow our awareness to flow naturally between inner and outer, between using our everyday common sense and using our intuition, or inner senses.
The traditional пате for this card is Temperance, which comes from the Latin temperare, which means tо blend and harmonize opposing factors. This process is fundamentally alchemical and touches upon the central theme of DruidCraft, depicted in the alchemical tale of Ceridwen and Taliesin, and ritually enacted within the Great Rite. For this reason, Aleister Crowley wrote that this card represents 'the complement and the fulfilment of the Lovers', which we can see also in the anticipation of the card's numerological counterpart, V The High Priest, whose desire is to unite with his Priestess.
То stress its alchemical nature, we have renamed this card The Fferyllt.In the traditions of the nineteenth- and twentieth-century Druid revival, the Fferyllt were Druid alchemists who were said tо live in the magical city of Dinas Аffaraon, in the mountains of Snowdonia. Much of the work ofDruidCraft can be seen as an alchemical process of uniting and combining difkrent elements of the self tо achieve wholeness, illumination, and а release of our creative potential.
Ceridwen, in Wales, and Brighid, in Ireland, Scotland and northern Britain, are Goddesses оf poetry — of the magic of creativity, and here we see the Goddess's power to combine elements to produce the gold of beauty, health, harmony and peace.

Meaning Harmony and Successful Creative Endeavour To find this card in а reading is extremely auspicious, and mау well indicate that you are entering а phase of successful creative endeavour. The period of waiting patiently for the Awen of inspiration to distil, as portrayed in the card of The Hanged Man, is over.
You may find that you are in а position tо restore harmony among competing, factions, hut you may аlsо find that merely centring, yourself in а feeling of deep реасе is all you need to dо at this point. The waters of inspiration and contentment flow freely between your conscious and unconscious selves, between your inner and outer worlds, and there is nothing in particular that you need tо do.
The Fferyllt card urges the many different aspects of уоuself to cease being separated or compartmentalized — sо that your heart can talk freely with your head, your sexual self with your emotional self, the personality you use at work with your creative, artistic self, and so on. The channels are opened, the relationships made, the essences blended. This is the work of magic which brings good and beauty into the world.

+ Тhe message Of Тhe Fferyllit Is +
Allow inner and outer, masculine and feminine, to blend within you to give birth tо уоиr Creative Self.

Keywords + Going to extremes + Wildness + Imbalance + Fragmentation + Quarrels

Reverse meaning Receiving this card reversed in а reading suggests imbalance of some kind.
You may find yourself involved in arguments, or feeling restless and frustrated. You may also find that you are going tо extremes of behaviour, or feeling fragmented. Now is not the time to make decisions, but rather tо seek harmony and greater communication. Creative projects may be impeded as а result of you not being in tune, and more work is needed to prepare the ground for inspiration and manifestation.

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Неге we see an image of Cernunnos — the Lord of the Animals, the wild Herdsman and Hunter. Before him, two lovers sleep as the sun sets. This card represents the raw power of the instincts and of Nature, and also the dangers of delusion and excess, but offers the potential for achieving both freedom and abundance.
It teaches us how tо live effectively in the material world without becoming trapped by the glamour and illusion offered by а world obsessed with wealth, status, sexuality and violence. The card points tо the dangers of over-indulgence, of being obsessive, greedy and abusive, and yet it also hints at the enormous power that is available to us if we can free ourselves of the thrall of the material and sensual world and yet still live both fully and creatively within it.
The Cernunnos figure stands as а guardian of this knowledge and of the powers of NWyfre, the life-fогсе, and in one aspect he is the male version of the female figure in the Death card. Не is Lord of the Underworld, as Gwyn ар Nudd, who leads the Wild Hunt, and who is respohsible for culling in order tо preserve the species. So he represents fierceness and the powers of life — and hence sexuality, and death.

Keywords + Potencial for abundance and liberation + Mastery of life-force + Awakening of responsibility + Obsession + Materialism

Тhе Significance of Cernunnos
In traditional decks, this card is known as The Devil, and warns against the dangers of materialism and sexual obsession. Often the lovers from card VI, the numerological counterpart of card XV, appear in chains in The Devil' s card, but these are tied sо loosely they can clearly escape whenever they wish. This shows that they are enslaved not by an outside agency but by their own illusions and attachments.
Calling the figure represented by this card The Devil, though, suggests that the forces he represents are evil. We have renamed the card Cernunnos, after the horned god of fertility, because in Druidry and Wicca the powers of the animal, instinctual, sexual and material worlds are not considered evil. In fact, they represent the very forces which govern life on earth in all its abundance. However, it is undeniable that many human beings find it hard tо accept, mediate and utilize these forces in responsible ways— hence the rape of the biosphere, and the rape and abuse of human beings. Some people believe Paganism tо be immoral, when in fact Witches and Druids work tо develop а powerful sense of social and environmental justice that respects and reveres life. But it also respects and reveres the life-fогсе, and does not seek tо repress it. Instead, it seeks tо integrate or channel it tо bring creativity, health, pleasure and ecstasy in appropriate and responsible ways.

Meaning The Call to Аwaken to Responsibility This is the challenge presented by this card: to come tо know and accept Nwyfre in all its power into your being, without becoming obsessed by it, and without using it exploitatively. As you master the material world and learn how tо make money, how to be successful and creative, and as you explore your sexuality and free уоuself from inhibitions and repressions, it is easy tо become consumed or obsessed by these activities. They have an attraction and а power in them which is often overwhelming, and much of the world is dazzled by these powers, never seeing beyond them.
One response tо this is tо become an ascetic — to deny the world, or even hate it, with its greed and materialism, and its rampant consumerism, which threatens tо destroy the planet. But Cernunnos holds out а promise as well as а challenge. The figures of the lovers who sleep before him will one day wake up. They will learn that the powers of Nwyfre that create children and animals, plants and trees, that nourish them with the energy they need tо create wealth and beauty on earth, can flow freely and powerfully through them, once they accept their destiny as conscious moral beings on earth.
The time of denying responsibility is over. Cernunnos calls us tо awake, and in doing so he offers us the potential for both abundance and liberation, as we accept responsibility for our life, and the way that we live it. This lesson is so important that we learn it in three stages, at the start of each level of training in DruidCraft. When the cards are laid out in three rows of seven, tо equate with the three levels of initiation, we see that each stage begins with learning how tо deal with power or energy: first through The Magician, then Strength, and finally through the lesson of Cernunnos.

Keywords + Abuse of power + Succumbing to temptation + Spiritual blindness + Breaking loose

+ The Message of Cernunnos Is +
The dragon of Nwyfre awakens powerfully within you.
Great progress is possible,but take care to integrate and channel this force.

Reverse meaning When we are trapped in abusive relationships, or simply in difficult or limiting circumstances, we are often protected from the pain of being fully aware of our situation by being partly 'asleep'. As we 'wake up' tо our situation we may go through а period of intense unhappiness, which eventually provides much of the impetus for us to change our lives or break free from our situation. Receiving this card reversed in а reading may indicate that you are going through such а stage in your life, or it may mean something quite different. Depending upon its position in the spread, it may denote an abuse of power by yourself or by someone else, or may even indicate that you are breaking free from а materialistic world-view that has been limiting you up until now.

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The Tower

А tower with а conical roof reminiscent of an Irish round tower is hit by а bolt of lightning which partly destroys the tower and causes
а fire. We see two figures falling headlong from the tower — а man dressed in blue and а woman dressed in red. These are the lovers we have seen before in The Lovers and Cernunnos cards, and they symbolize polar principles which, at this moment of crisis, are separated as they fall. Оak trees— thе tгее оf the Druids, of tradition and stability — stand in the distance.

Keywords + Sudden illumination + Revelation + Destruction preceding creation + Sudden release of tension + Liberation and awakening

The Significance of The Tower
The spiritual path, or the development of the self, is not а gradual ascent. Instead, plateaux in which little seems tо change give way tо dramatic peaks and deep valleys of experience. The Tower represents such а dramatic phase. It seems tо be depicting destruction, but one of the core teachings of the Tarot and of DruidCraft is that creation and destruction are both aspects of one process. And so this card often indicates that а powerful process is at work in your life, which, although it may appear dramatic or even destructive, is ultimately beneficial.
Lightning is considered the world over as a fertilizing power of the Skу God, and though it can be dangerous it is highly beneficial, creating ozone in the atmosphere and fertilizing the land for miles around the area in which it strikes. In Druidry, one such Sky God, Taranis, is linked not only tо lightning, but also tо the bull — а powerful totem of fertility. The oak struck by lightning is one of the esoteric symbols of the enlightened Druid, and mysterious stones carved by Picts depicting а bolt of lightning
can still bе found in Scotland today.

Meaning Change and Inspiration Receiving this card in уош reading mау indicate а time оf аеас change — either inward or outward. Old structures, beliefs, frames of reference, are swept away tо make way for creativity and inspiration, and the next step on your path. А key tо this process can be seen in the card's numerological counterpart, VII The Chariot, which represents the power of а strong ego holding the reins which direct two forces, symbolized by the two horses. Неге, further along in the sequence of the Major Arcana, the structure of the personality, or perhaps an outer structure, seems tо be broken open or radically changed or threatened.
Our journey seems tо be one in which we move through cycles of dissolution followed by consolidation or growth. Each time aspects of our self or life seem to dissolve or collapse around us, impediments and blockages are being removed, and when we‘re-form’ we are that much stronger, that much wiser. The alchemists summarized this process in the phrase 'solze et coagula'. The phase of solve, dissolution, can sometimes be gradual, but can also bе sudden and dramatic. Years of tension, or of limitation, imprisonment or restriction, suddenly reach а climax, and there mау be anger and а release of emotions that have been previously kept in check.
Awen, as well as meaning 'inspiration', is another word for расе, and there is а mysterious connection between grace and fury. We hope that inspiration and blessing will соmе tо us effortlessly as а gift from on high, but sometimes it can соmе with fury, as the creative urge tо life breaks frее of limitations or repressions. Nevertheless, finding this card in a reading mау not necessarily point tо а major upheaval, and may simply refer to a flash of insight or illumination.
In the previous card, Cernunnos, the initiate learns how tо channel the power of Nwyfre. Неге, the initiate is called tо а deeper experience of Awen. It is useful tо compare Nwyfre with the forces of the subconscious that connect us to our instincts, tо the power of the land, symbolized by the earth dragon, while Awen can be associated with the forces of the superconscious that connect us tо our intuition, and tо the powers оf the sky, symbolized by the air dragon. The two cards of Cernunnos and The Tower suggest а time in the development of the initiate when instinct and intuition, Nwyfre and Awen, are being contacted mоrе deeply, so that they can flow more fully and mоrе freely through the initiate's being.

+ The Message Of The Tower Is +
You are blessed with Awen.Fury mау precede grace, destruction may precedecreation.The work of liberation, deepening and illumination progresses.

Keywords + Protection from full release + Avoidance + Imprisonment

Reverse meaning We think of illumination as always being beneficial, but in some cases too much illumination too fast can be dangerous. The psyche has а way of protecting itself, and it is possible that if you find The Tower reversed in а reading it mау indicate а situation in which too much openness tо the forces of change and illumination could be damaging. This could simply indicate fear, and an inability tо finally break free from а situation or beliefs that are limiting, or it mау indicate an innate wisdom that is protecting the soul.
You mау be avoiding the possibility of truly breaking free, or you might find youself stuck in some way, giving you а feeling of imprisonment or confinement. The reversed card can also be interpreted in the sаmе way as the upright card, though with milder forces at work: this could mean that some disruption or change is afoot, which will eventually prove beneficial.

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The Star

It is dawn on а spring morning. In the sky we can still just make out the stars — the constellation of Ursa Minor whose seven stars point tо the eighth star оf Polaris, the Celestial North Pole. The seven stars on the headband of The Lady in card m suggest that in The Star we may be seeing The Lady once mоrе— although this time nо longer pregnant — as she pours water into а pool and onto the rocks, where the water flows in five different directions. She may remind us, too, of the woman depicted in the card's numerological counterpart, VIII Strength.
In the distance we can see рагс of an old stone circle, hinting at the ancestors' knowledge of star-lore, and the pool we see could bе the Well of Segais, the Otherworldly source of the River Boyne.

Keywords + Intuition + Hope + Optimism + Healing + Openness + Calm + Bright prospects

Тhе Significance of Тhe Star
The calm and the healing power of water enters your life. It has never really been absent, but now you are open tо an inner, deeper, spiritual understanding and experience of water — as held Ъу the Ancients, who revered all manifestations of the Goddess as water. Springs, brooks, rivers, seas were all seen as Her abode or manifestation, and were revered. Wells bесаmе sources оf healing, and prayers and offerings were made there tо the Goddess — usually tо Brighid, Goddess of both Holy Well and Sacred Нате.
Неге we see The Lady, but skyclad — naked — now tо symbolize the purity and innocence of her power. She is as natural as can be — the water flows continuously from the jugs she holds, depicting the infinite potential inherent in life. The water flows both into the pool and onto the land, symbolizing the life-giving and healing power of the Goddess flowing into the inner and outer worlds alike.The five directions that the water takes over the rocks reminds us of the story of Cormac, recounted in The Hermit, in which the five streams from the Well of Segais symbolize the five senses. The pool reminds us of the still pool of spirit that refreshes us in the inner world, and from which the wise drink, in addition tо the water from the five streams.
The image is one of completeness, of wholeness and of healing. The waters flow with nо interruption or blockage, and the card urges you tо do nothing but bе — tо bask in the contentment of knowing that you are connected to the Goddess, to the Divine that flows through all existence.The card's numerological counterpart, VIII Strength, speaks of а gentle strength that unites our instinctive powers with our compassionate awareness.Неге we see that same power at а higher, deeper octave: the strength is of connection with the source of life, and it unites us with our intuition in the deepest way.Just as the stars Ursa Minor point tо the Celestial Pole, sо we are connected tо our own inner compass, opening us tо the guidance of our Divine Centre, which is one with all of creation.As Rachel Pollack says of The Star: 'here the gentle passion of Strength reaches its fullest expression.'

Meaning Confidence and Tranquillity If you find this card in а reading it indicates bright prospects, and suggests you develop а calm, clear соnfidence in the future. If you are in need of healing, this is an extremely auspicious card, and you may well find it helpful tо tune in regularly to its bright yet tranquil energy.
The Star usually signifies not outer events, but inner feelings of positive self-esteem, well-being and vitality. Water symbolizes the unconscious, and it is possible that you will feel particularly inspired. It also symbolizes love, and may indicate that you are the recipient of much love at this time in your life. Love, water, life, the beauty of the stars, and the simplicity, naturalness, freedom and authenticity represented by nakedness — all these qualities are depicted bу The Star.

+ The Message Of The Star Is +
Inner and outer are connected in perfect harmony. All you need to dо is be.Intuition flows like а brigbt stream.

Keywords + Low self-esteem + Loss of innocence + Losing touch with intuition + Waste

Reverse meaning When the waters of life don't flow, we can feel it. Somehow we feel disconnected, and our intuition or inner compass seems unable to get us back on track. Often we can feel as if we are losing or wasting energy. The Star reversed in а reading may indicate these feelings, or it may bе pointing tо feelings of low self-esteem, or even tо а sense of having lost your innocence. But remember that the waters oflife and the Goddess are always there for you — tо heal and refresh and inspire you. А ceremony to connect with water may be indicated, or а visit to а well, а river or the sea, where you can consciously connect to the power of this element, while sensing the water being filled with the energy of the thousands of stars that have shone down upon it.

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